El poder de Internet
Mientras escribo esto, ya debe haber cientos de personas subiendo a YouTube la caída de la gringa en el Miss Universo. LOL. Power to the useless
Actualización: el video en cuestión.
Anything and everything. En español también.
Mientras escribo esto, ya debe haber cientos de personas subiendo a YouTube la caída de la gringa en el Miss Universo. LOL. Power to the useless
Actualización: el video en cuestión.
Posted by
5/28/2007 10:16:00 PM
Well, finally Google is using graphic emoticons. Too bad it's only in the Google Talk Gadget. They have abandoned the client for a long time now. I hope they get their act together, as I don't really use the gadget (because of the lack of file transfers) unless I'm not home.
Thanks for the tip Yogi :)
Posted by
5/24/2007 04:54:00 PM
Curiosa expresión que supongo viene de Poncio Pilato lavándose las manos de la condena a Jesús por la crucificción.
En el día a día yo nunca uso esta frase, ni se de gente que la use, pero algo curioso sucedió la primera vez que fui al baño en CANTV Los Cortijos. Vean por ustedes mismos.
La parte importante es lo que dice al final: Los baños Sí son nuestra responsabilidad. No te laves las manos.
¿Soy yo o es esta frase no adecuada para un baño? Es decir, hay gente que no se lava las manos, pero y si alguien quiere lavárselas, ¡no debe! ¡El cartel dice que no te laves las manos!
Obviamente no hay que tomarlo literalmente, pero ¿Cuánta gente puede entender eso? Sabemos que existen muchas personas poco astutas, es un hecho de la vida, pero ahora con la situación actual (nacionalización) puede que entre gente menos astuta aún :) Voy a tener que evitar dar la mano de ahora en adelante.
Posted by
5/24/2007 11:09:00 AM
Once upon a time (a couple of years back) there was a site that someone at work (can't remember who) told me about. It was Pandora by the Music Genome Project. It was the first thing of its kind. You could name an artist or song and the subsequent songs where played depending on that first choice. It took a lot of info for that like genre, tonalities, voice pitch, influences, etc. You get the point.
I'm writing in past tense because now, if you're not from the U.S., you'll get to this restricted notice from Pandora. Well, that sucks greatly.
We are deeply, deeply sorry to say that due to licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora for most listeners located outside of the U.S. We will continue to work diligently to realize the vision of a truly global Pandora, but for the time being we are required to restrict its use. We are very sad to have to do this, but there is no other alternative.
What are these licensing constraints? It's so damn vague so as not to tell who the hell is restricting them (that is if it's true that someone's restricting them).
I'm getting tired of this kind of site behavior. It happens everywhere. Where else have you seen this crippled site behavior outside the U.S.? (I've seen it in plenty of Google sites BTW)
Posted by
5/10/2007 10:09:00 PM