Anything and everything. En español también.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Monday, September 26, 2005
Dolphins are evil
As my friend Yogi said, Dolphins are evil, and imagine them with weapons!
The story found in Slashdot says 'Armed Dolphins Released into Gulf of Mexico'. To quote some of the article.
Military trained dolphins may have been released into the wild by the Hurricane's devastation. (...) Experts who have studied the U.S. navy's cetacean training exercises claim the 36 mammals could be carrying 'toxic dart' gunsScary eh?
Posted by
9/26/2005 08:43:00 AM
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Advent Children was amazing.
The animation is incredible, flawless. The characters move in a very real way, and the textures, lighting, and the rest of the effects are very well done.
The fight scenes are jawdropping, and very well directed as well.
The music is also great, I loved the part when Tifa fights, and the music starts... It's the one from Piano Collections CD! I play that same tune in piano! (well, part of it). And the rest of the music is very metal, so I loved it.
Oh, and I'm in love with Tifa!
Yeah, to wrap this up, you gotta check that movie out. It is mostly action, but the story is deep (you gotta have some background on the game to fully understand it). 100 minutes of great animation.
Posted by
9/25/2005 12:12:00 PM
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
FFVII Advent Children
I just watched the first 6 minutes of the movie and it looks incredible! The animations are just superb! I'll watch it at Yogi or Guille's house with a big monitor (or TV). Can't wait guys!
Posted by
9/21/2005 10:27:00 AM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Caracas on Google Earth
The quality on Google Earth is not very good (as I expected), but it was put online before than I thought. In the picture above you can see at the center a large green area. That's the Universidad Central de Venezuela in Caracas, the biggest university in the country. It has also a pair of stadiums, one of baseball and one of football. North west from the university you can see a black area called Parque Central, or Central Park. These two buildings are the tallest buildings in South America since 1979, you can see a picture of one of them below.
That was the glorious past of the building. Last year there was a fire that lasted for more than 19 hours and destroyed a lot of the building. A sad view is left on Caracas. Watch for yourself.
Posted by
9/20/2005 09:50:00 AM
Monday, September 19, 2005
GameFAQs Character Battle over
Wow, I'm in shock, Mario won...
I'm tired of all the Nintendo characters winning over at the GameFAQs character battles. Let's give an example on this year's competition. Kirby vs. Tidus. How the hell is that pink ball going to beat Tidus? Zelda vs. Vivi. Come on! Zelda is always being kidnapped! She can't do anything on her own, let alone kill Master Vivi! And finally Mario vs. Crono. Crono is one of the coolest characters ever in a videogame. He can definitely kick some plumber ass. Maybe I'm just more inclined at Squaresoft's chars...
Well, take a look at the bracket here, and see for yourself how Nintendo's characters impossibly win some fights.
To be fair, Mario hasn't won yet, but he will, trust me. Now let's hope that either Cloud or Sephiroth can kick Link and Mario's asses in the Champion's Bracket.
Posted by
9/19/2005 12:06:00 AM
Labels: internet
Sunday, September 18, 2005
I have it!
Well, finally I have the ticket for the concert. Actually it's a voucher to collect the ticket later in December. But it's definitive!
The previous big concert (and the only one) was seeing Roger Waters live a few years ago, so I'm quite eager to see Dream Theater live. The only thing that won't be that good is listening to LaBrie's shrieks, but it's worth the pain.
Posted by
9/18/2005 10:00:00 PM
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Dream Theater in Venezuela
Well, a lot of you may already know this, but as the ticket sales start this week (on Thursday actually) it's worth noting.
A friend (Guille) will be there buying the ticket. Thanks man.
Although their latest album (Octavarium) wasn't as good (IMO) as the last three of them, it will be a great show without a doubt.
It will be the last date of their South American tour which will pass through Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Venezuela. They will play on December 13th at El Poliedro in Caracas.
Visit the Dream Theater official site. For more info on the concert go to the Profit Producciones site.
Edit: I added a counter at the sidebar for the concert, so I can be even more eager of time passing fast!
Posted by
9/13/2005 01:41:00 PM
Monday, September 12, 2005
Cats versus dogs
I got this one from another blog. Credit to whoever wrote it. This one's for you Guille.
Cats versus dogs....
Dogs get the newspaper for you.
Cats look at you like you can't read.
Dogs are happy to see you when you come home.
Cats say "Where the hell you been?"
Dogs run to the food dish and eat whatever is there.
Cats look at you and say "You want me to eat THAT?"
Dogs get your slippers for you.
Cats sleep on your slippers.
Dogs rescue people from burning buildings.
Cats get stuck in trees.
Dogs can track people through the woods days after
they ran through.
Cats refuse to wear a leash.
Dogs can be trained to help blind people.
Cats refuse to help anybody.
Dogs can be used to sniff out drugs in airports, cars,
houses, etc.
Cats are good at smelling out things they want to EAT.
Dogs are man's best friend.
Cats MIGHT let you be their friend.
Dogs will protect your house from burglers.
Cats will watch the burgler... "Hey... you forgot the
jewlery, stupid..."
Dogs love you.
Cats love themselves.
Dogs come running when you call their name.
Cats look at you like... "You know... we need to talk
about this dumb name you gave me..."
Dogs are always there when you need them.
Cats are busy doing something more important.
Dogs are servants.
Cats are arrogant snobs.
So... which to I prefer?
Cats or dogs?
Cats, of course.
Why, you ask?
Cats poop in a box.
Leave your dog alone at home for a couple days,
sometime, pal....
Posted by
9/12/2005 12:54:00 PM
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Fucking spam
I hate spam.
And now spam comes here. Do you hear me spam? I'm not gonna let you!
I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience, but I'm going to use word verification, just in case the spam is not human.
Posted by
9/11/2005 12:31:00 PM
Labels: internet
Hijo e' puta
Muy buen chiste que encontré en
Visiten la página, es excelente.
Estaba sentado en mi escritorio cuando efectué una llamada telefónica. Me contesto un tipo malhumorado diciendo: ¡Alo!, le dije: "Buenas, ¿podría hablar con Luís González?..." "No aquí no vive ese huevón". Y me colgó el teléfono de la manera más grosera. Resulta ser que había marcado un número incorrecto por lo que procedí a llamar al teléfono indicado. Después de colgar, observe el número de teléfono errado en mi escritorio; decidí llamar a ese número y contesto la misma persona que me tranco. Le dije: - "Eres un hijo e' puta". Y colgué.
Inmediatamente anote ese numero en mi agenda y le puse al lado la palabra HIJO E' PUTA. Cada semana, cuando tenía una arrechera llamaba a ese tipo y cuando contestaba le decía: "Eres un hijo e' puta". Esto me hacia sentir mucho mejor; pero al tiempo me entere del servicio CANTV de identificación de llamadas por lo cual me limite a dejar de llamar por unos días al hijo e' puta. Pues se me ocurrió lo siguiente: marque su numero telefónico y en lo que me contesto diciendo: ¿Alo? Le respondí: "- Buenas tardes, le llamo del Dpto. de ventas de CANTV Servicios para saber sí conoce el servicio de identificación de llamadas. El tipo contesto: "NO” y le dije: "Eso es porque eres un hijo e' puta".
Un día estaba en Makro esperando que saliera una señora para pararme en ese puesto de estacionamiento de carro. Pues, resulta que cuando la señora salió vino un tipo manejando un Camaro Negro y se metió; le toque corneta, pero nada, el tipo simplemente se bajo del carro y se fue para el centro comercial ignorándome por completo. Ante su actitud pensé "ese es un hijo e puta" y fue cuando note que en su carro había un letrero que decía: SE VENDE INTERESADOS FAVOR LLAMAR AL TELÉFONO 942.07.40. Después llame al tipo del Camaro: ¿Hablo, con el señor del Camaro negro que esta a la venta? - Sí, habla con el. ¿Podría decirme donde lo puedo ver? Sí, vivo en la carretera del Junquito con calle 34 Km.17, es una casa amarilla y el carro está parado frente a la casa. Mi nombre es Eduardo Pérez y me puede encontrar en la casa después de las 6 PM Okey, gracias. Le dije. ¿Le puedo decir algo Eduardo? Sí, como no. Eduardo, eres un Hijo e' puta. Y le colgué.
Bueno, a partir de ese día tenía a dos hijos e puta a quien llamar. Después de un tiempo llamando al par de hijo e' putas, la cosa se puso ladilla, por lo cual decidí hacerla más divertida y se me ocurrió lo siguiente: Llame al hijo e puta No. 1. Y el tipo grosero me contesto: ¿Sí? Y entonces le dije: "¿Eres el hijo e' puta?", pero no tranqué. El me dijo: ¿Estás ahí? a ver si dejas de llamarme. Yo le dije: -No. El tipo me pregunto con tono suave: ¿Cómo te llamas? Eduardo Pérez, le dije ¿Dónde vives?En la Carretera del Junquito con calle 34 Km.17, en una casa amarilla donde esta un Camaro negro al frente.¡En menos de una hora estoy allá a meterte unos coñazos, maldito! Yo le dije:- ¡Ay sí, estoy cagaoo! ¡Hijo e' puta!, ¡hijo eeeee putaaaAAAAA!, y le tranqué. Después de eso llame al hijo e puta No. 2, y cuando contesto le dije: Hola hijo e' puta. ¡Coño, sí te llego a encontrar, te voy a romper la cara y las piernas!, ¿Así es la vaina?, le dije, pues hoy es tu oportunidad porque en menos de una hora estoy en tu casa para volarte la jeta, hijo e' puta, a ver que me vas a hacer. Enseguida llame a la Policía Metropolitana y les dije que iba para la carretera del Junquito con calle 34 Km.17 a matar a mi novio marica porque lo encontré con otro hombre. Después llame a Globovision para reportar que la PM había encontrado un arsenal de armas de los Tupamaros. Enseguida me fui para la dirección antes descrita a ver el espectáculo: Unas 6 patrullas rodeando la casa, dos carajos dándose coñazos en plena calle, la policía tratando de separarlos y un consejero haciéndolos recapacitar y las cámaras de TV reportando una disputa pasional entre dos gays subversivos.
¿Qué les parece? Eso SI es ser un HIJO E' PUTA!!!
Posted by
9/11/2005 02:08:00 AM
Friday, September 09, 2005
Saint Seiya Hades OVA continues!
I was talking to a co-worker yesterday and I found out that he liked anime, so it was natural that we started talking about it. Eventually we started talking about Saint Seiya and he told me his brother saw on a webpage that the Hades OVA will be continued (they were stopped after 13 episodes). So of course I was happy to hear that. This is where I saw it [spanish]
Ahh yes, I forgot to say it's due in December! Can hardly wait!
Posted by
9/09/2005 07:47:00 AM
Monday, September 05, 2005
Google to destroy information it can't index
A year ago, Google offered to scan every book on the planet for its Google Print project. Now, they are promising to burn the rest.The joke news site The Onion has the full article. Funny stuff.
If you didn't get it, it's a joke.
Posted by
9/05/2005 03:28:00 PM
Labels: google
¿Concretada la compra de Digitel TIM?
Leyendo el blog de tecnología móvil 'Concafé', me enteré que en el semanario Quinto Día apareció una noticia diciendo que el nuevo dueño de la operadora es el Sr. Oswaldo Cisneros.
Las especulaciones de la compra han estado rodando por bastante tiempo ya, y a Concafé le encanta lanzar rumores (que a veces resultan ciertos). Veamos si es verdad, ya que la fuente de noticia no es Concafé, sino el semanario.
Posted by
9/05/2005 09:24:00 AM
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Secuestro Express
I saw this movie on thursday, and it's definitely a must see. The characters are a bit extreme (e.g. the woman works on a Free Hospital, but consumes insanely amounts of drugs), but it works out, and it could very well be true. Go see it if you have the chance.
Posted by
9/04/2005 10:00:00 PM
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Yawning is a great mistery, and very interesting. And, as you may have noticed, it's contagious!
Try to read this page without yawning.
Posted by
9/01/2005 01:39:00 PM